Is orgonite good for my pets? (video)
Our beloved pets are very sensitive to good and bad energy. People who make orgonite have noticed a phenomenon where their pets tend to gravitate towards orgonite. The animals can sense the healthy life preserving energy. Often we find our cats sleeping on top of the orgonite, or just wanting to be as near to it as they can be. Both dogs and cats tend to appear comforted and calmed by the presence of orgonite in the home or in their beds.
We cover this topic in this video.
We think it’s because of the beneficial effects of the negative ions that are being emitted from orgonite. Orgonite functions like a passive ionizer. Negative ions are good and beneficial for the body. They have a cleansing property. They also make you more relaxed and more tranquil. Animals are able to pick up on this and more sensitive to such a feeling than we are.
One way to look at it is considering how horses “let down”. A horse will be tense but then the horse “lets down” and relaxes. That energy of “let down” is what the orgonite creates. That might be one reason why the animals gravitate towards it; it’s comfortable, cozy and calm.
Here is how orgone transforms energy.
Some people might think that orgone blocks energy but its actually a lot more complex than that. What orgone energy does is it takes energy that is harmful and it transforms it into energy that is beneficial. So it cleans its up, kind of like a sewage treatment system can clean up or transform waste. Harmful wireless fields from; cell towers, smart meters, smartphones, internet router and your television make the environment around you toxic and harmful to human health and well being. Orgone energy devices placed around your environment cleans up the toxicity and helps to restore a healthy life supporting environment. This effect can be measured in various ways such as:
Preserving blood samples for longer periods of time
Preserving fruits and vegetable and foods for longer period of time
Better seed germination results in plants
Bigger yields in plants
Providing pain relief
Aiding in better sleep and relaxation
Seeing the energy field in frozen water
And more
Orgone energy devices are made mixing a blend of; iron oxide, steel, brass, shungite and crystal powders into epoxy resin. When the epoxy cures into a solid plastic state it puts pressure on the surface area of the powders. This causes something known as the piezoelectric effect which emits a harmonizing field generated by the different specific properties of the ingredients. It is this field that transforms the harmful energy from EMF’s into healthy live preserving energy.
If you would like you can check out some of the scientific studies that have been done showing the amazing effects of orgone energy. We’ve put together several videos that you can view here on our website:

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