by FTWinstagram | Apr 11, 2018 | Orgonite Blog
Everyone is gearing up for the rollout of the new wireless technology called 5G, and it hasn’t been proved to be safe. People have been asking questions as to what they can do to protect themselves from 5G. We’ve been putting out a series of videos to try to help...Tags: 5g beast, 5g technology, 5g tower, cell phone health problems, cell phone radiation, cell phones cause cancer, cell tower radiation, emf blocker, emf protection, fix the world morocco, hope girl, hypersensitivity to electricity, max igan, protection necklace, sgt report, tivon rivers, whole house emf protection, wifi dangerous
by FTWinstagram | Apr 11, 2018 | Orgonite Blog, Uncategorized
There is clamour about the arrival of the next generation of wireless called 5G. What is 5G, and how is it different from 4G? Why are people nervous about its arrival, and why is it such a problem? We are being promised by the telephone and wireless industry of a...Tags: 5g beast, 5g technology, 5g tower, cell phone health problems, cell phone radiation, cell phones cause cancer, cell tower radiation, emf blocker, emf protection, fix the world morocco, hope girl, hypersensitivity to electricity, max igan, protection necklace, sgt report, tivon rivers, whole house emf protection, wifi dangerous
by FTWinstagram | Jan 5, 2018 | Orgonite Blog
How many times have you had to throw out perfectly good fruits and veggies because they rotted before you had a chance to eat them? I used to have this problem and it made me feel so frustrated to throw away perfectly good food and the hard earned money I spent on...Tags: food preservation, homesteading, orgone accumulator, orgone energy, orgonite
by FTWinstagram | Jan 5, 2018 | Orgonite Blog
We’ve done some research on structured water that we wanted to share with you, so that you may realize how it may benefit your health. The research of structured water is currently pioneered by the work or Dr. Pollack of the University of Washington in his book “The...Tags: orgonite, structured water
by FTWinstagram | Jan 5, 2018 | Orgonite Blog
Ever wonder why we use lightning rods on our rooftops? In electrostatics, it is well known that electric charges accumulate at the tip or edge of metallic objects more readily than a smooth surface. This is why it is good practice to fit the roof or high point of...Tags: negative ions, orgonite, pyramids
by FTWinstagram | Jan 5, 2018 | Orgonite Blog
Heavy metals from chemtrails are making a lot of people sick. Many people feel overwhelmed and think that there isn’t anything that they can do to heal themselves. In this article and video we will show you some solutions that can help you to protect yourself from...Tags: chemtrails, emf protection, geoengineering, heavy metal detox, orgone energy, orgonite, orgonite pyramids
by FTWinstagram | Jan 5, 2018 | Orgonite Blog
Some of you have asked us to show some video footage of how the orgonite we make clears chemtrails above our house, so we put together this little informal video just for you. This is us on our rooftop live from Morocco showing you how the orgonite assembly on our...Tags: chemtrails, orgonite pyramids
by FTWinstagram | Jan 5, 2018 | Orgonite Blog
This is a step by step guide that will show you how to make your own orgonite. In this guide we will show you what materials to use, how to make the orgonite and also how much it should cost. Here at Fix the World we make all of our orgonite by hand using metal...Tags: fix the world, orgone energy technology, orgonite