How Orgonite Preserves Food
How many times have you had to throw out perfectly good fruits and veggies because they rotted before you had a chance to eat them? I used to have this problem and it made me feel so frustrated to throw away perfectly good food and the hard earned money I spent on it. But then I learned about orgone energy and tried this really great trick and found that the food in my fridge was lasting up to 3 times longer!
Orgone energy is the lifeforce energy around every living cell which gives off a blue glow under a microscope. Orgonite, is a composite made with certain organic and metallic materials that emits negative ions which helps to preserve the orgone energy in all life forms. My partner Tivon and I have made these special orgonite charging plates. When I placed one in my fridge, not only did it preserve my fruits and veggies, but it actually turns the entire fridge into an orgone accumulator box!! I could even see the effects of the orgonite in the ice trays in the freezer!
So now all my food lasts longer and my water is structured which gives me more energy and makes me feel so much better. Also, if I ever have a restless night where I find it hard to go to sleep, I put a charging plate under my pillow and I’m sleeping like a baby in no time. Understanding the benefits of orgone energy has helped change our lives in so many ways. I hope it can help you too!
If your interested Tivon and I handmake each piece of our orgonite and we ship them everywhere in the world. We have a special offer now for purchasing our charge plates at really low prices.
Till Next time,